newest musicals-->

folk-alpha.wav the folk metal fusion




ancient salvations-->




I'm on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, and the rest..!



Operation of human systems is something both personal and political. It happens on different levels of magnification. But at any level, changing structures, refusing to go along with the status quo, is a constant theme. We would like to change the world, and change ourselves. Structure is ultimately the stuff of existence. Anything that can be analyzed is structural. Deleuze once said, “Don’t analyze, don’t interpret.. Find a situation you desire..!”(A to Z film). Adorno called philosophy the teaching of the good life, (Negative Dialectics). Must he have felt like he actually had this life? A situation to desire. If life is all an experiment, as my father taught, and life is an intelligence test, as Mike Smith proposed, I think we might be willing to say we are at telos, grail. We have reached dream logic. We have lived, life has lived.

Human Systems: Changing Structures pdf for web

Amazon Kindle/paperback Human Systems

audio version

human-systems-1.WAV ----- human-systems-2.WAV

human-systems-3.WAV ----- human-systems-4.WAV

human-systems-5.WAV ----- human-systems-6.WAV

human-systems-7.WAV ----- human-systems-8.WAV




DCB Spending Time audio blog or "podcast"..!

The shape of the mind. The shape of the self. The shape of the world..!

free-form speech -- in 2014

episode one -- episode two -

- episode three -- episode four

episode five -- episode six

--episode seven-- episode eight



my Agent Chlorophyl blog -- --


working on David Therapy -- new-DT-doc --

a dialectical transformation, diametric therapy..!




Amazon --> The Government of David

Kindle -- and Paperback

[freely sharing The Government of David pdf]

This is David Baird's first so-called real, published book. He's been chatting, blogging, and posting for many years now, building up a trail/tale of textual weight. His formation was largely academic. One transformational episode with Michael Smith at Virginia Tech, another with Ronald Judy at the University of Pittsburgh. David managed to study philosophy deeply, which can be tricky, and fell in and out of love with Theodor Adorno -- Adorno, who says "no one loves, is capable of love"; "people are spellbound, without exception"; beautiful women destroy themselves, no matter how talented, wealthy, or intelligent; one cannot be happy, only remember having been happy in the past; science fiction is a sub-artistic genre. David now characterizes Adorno, like the analytic philosophers, as ultimately sort of weird...

The book is ultra-fictional philosophy, UFP.  I've been asked, "Is that more like fiction, or philosophy?"  But why should it be one or the other?  It's like philosophy -- except that it doesn't claim to be true.  Or pretend.  How could I know the truth of life, the universe, and everything?  Although I propose that God has "omega characteristics" -- s/he is beyond time, space, law, logic, and causality.  That's really the only way God could work.  As far as our universe?  We are "x world" -- we are the nth world in a series of x worlds (universes).  Brain salad, word garbage..?  Stream of consciousness, schizophrenia...?  Maybe towards the creation of a new world..

The first two films might play if your browser wants..!

Or it may download the actual video to your device, for you to play there...! The others here, Youtube.


Clinica Schiz.mpg (Radical Schizophrenia and art) 983 MB

Killing All Death.mp4 -- (poem by Kevin Carney and me) or Youtube here


in mode for experiment film? -->


glistening list -- best of my youtube film my channel





acoustic + ascension

two mellow albums

the mountain tapes collected

DeLillo of Great Jones Street might call the Mountain Tapes, Thomas Brophy and myself playing feely in my box-like apartment



Christopher Hitchens tastes torture christopher hitchens learns about waterboarding on youtube

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's "I Have a Dream" speech is online in video


theory for improv (music theory guitar view)


political philosophy --

Marx versus Nozick

so-called Socialism versus Contemporary Right-wing Libertarian

Political Rationality

You can think Group-Logic


essays in pure philosophy --

LSD and Knowledge

Today is Only Day


music streamer music mix

music of my early site, 251 frank jazz . com

primal muse


singing-playing.mp3 a current song

DCB So Tonight I Might See . WAV time shifted music


clinical music project:

initial cut:

song of DT

elaboration version:

DT song development

solo guitar work:

loopism-1.WAV -- loopism-2.WAV -

- loopism-3.WAV


time travel songs -- vocals kevin carney then_go_crazy.mp3 chances_to_play.mp3

(solo singing and guitar) scat attack

in progress: so tonight


sharing Ascension:

ascension song (alt)-- bee in a tree (heavy)-

- android david (fusion)-- glancing collision (acoustic)-

- thinking and drinking (alt/heavy)


sharing Acoustic

far songs of rivers -- life conspires -

- today is thursday -- yesterdays song

-- your dream died


piano invention

new music 1 . wav



DeLillo of Great Jones Street calls these "the mountain tapes":

110626_003.mp3 110626_004.mp3 110701_001.mp3 110701_002.mp3



family film of life:

2012 Baird Family



film of our Clinical Music Project:

Infinity 2021 interview

Infinity 2020 documentary


musics word (twenty minutes guitar, then Government of David spoken, then fifteen minutes solar eclipse audio)..